Table 1.
Inquisitorial intensity and modern-day outcomes
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
Log GDP p.c. | Religiosity | Education | Trust | |
Inquisitorial intensity | −0.396*** | 0.445*** | −0.0535** | −0.400*** |
(−9.58) | (4.83) | (−2.33) | (−2.80) | |
Log population | 0.000828 | −0.0556*** | 0.0301*** | 0.00389 |
(0.43) | (−6.78) | (14.55) | (0.29) | |
Latitude | −0.00213 | 0.0173 | 0.0199*** | 0.0346 |
(−0.53) | (0.92) | (4.89) | (0.95) | |
Longitude | −0.000681 | 0.0230* | −0.00137 | 0.0326 |
(−0.26) | (1.91) | (−0.51) | (1.57) | |
Ruggedness | −0.00160*** | −0.000807 | 0.0000890 | 0.000955 |
(−11.95) | (−1.32) | (0.59) | (0.90) | |
Distance to tribunal | −0.000480*** | −0.0000592 | −0.000179*** | −0.000654 |
(−9.30) | (−0.28) | (−3.49) | (−1.49) | |
Distance to river | 0.000302*** | −0.000494** | 0.000180*** | −0.000609 |
(5.92) | (−2.34) | (3.21) | (−1.64) | |
−0.000453*** | −0.000437 | −0.000392*** | −0.000253 | |
(−3.95) | (−0.88) | (−3.44) | (−0.28) | |
Distance to sea | −0.000187*** | 0.000139 | 0.0000356 | −0.000464 |
(−4.96) | (0.73) | (0.91) | (−1.32) | |
Share married | −0.0165 | 0.214*** | 0.000107 | 0.246* |
(−1.18) | (2.73) | (0.01) | (1.96) | |
Share upper class | 0.148*** | −0.277** | 0.267*** | 0.200 |
(6.77) | (−2.51) | (12.28) | (1.30) | |
Average age | −0.00205*** | 0.0240*** | −0.00320*** | −0.00716 |
(−3.30) | (6.98) | (−4.84) | (−1.20) | |
Constant | 10.07*** | 0.247 | −0.412** | −0.863 |
(64.08) | (0.34) | (−2.57) | (−0.63) | |
regional FE | Y | Y | Y | Y |
N | 2,214 | 2,191 | 2,215 | 976 |
R 2 | 0.491 | 0.429 | 0.572 | 0.050 |
Coefficients of OLS regressions on inquisitorial intensity with a full set of controls. Dependent variables are the nightlight-based estimate of municipal GDP per capita; the average number of times survey respondents from a given municipality attended religious services in the previous week; the share of the municipal population with a high school degree or higher as of the 2011 census; and average standardized trust in the municipality, calculated from the CIS barometer surveys. Population is the log of the population of the municipality as of the 2011 census. Socioeconomic controls are the average age of the municipal population in the 2011 census, the share of respondents to the CIS barometer surveys that identify as upper-middle class or upper class, and the share of respondents that are married. Geographic controls are longitude and latitude (not reported); ruggedness, calculated using the Nunn and Puga (54) measure averaged over the territory of the municipality; the distance from the centroid of the municipality to the corresponding tribunal city; distance in kilometers to the closest navigable river; distance in kilometers to the closest Roman road; and distance in kilometers to the coastline. Fixed effects are coded for “comunidad autónoma” (NUTS-2 [nomenclature of territorial units of statistics level 2]) regions. t statistics are in parentheses.
P < 0.1, **P < 0.05, and ***P < 0.01.