Figure 2.
DEGs (fold-change >2, P<0.05) in the microarray profiles. (A) Volcano plot of 3 paired fibrous and bony ankylosed samples at day 14. (B) Volcano plot of 3 paired fibrous and bony ankylosed samples at day 28. (C) Venn diagram indicating that 5 mRNAs are co-expressed at both 2 time-points and their gene symbol are PRG4, GRIA1, LYVE1, ID1, SLC7A2. (D) Heat map of 3 paired fibrous and bony ankylosed samples at day 14. (E) Heat map of 3 paired fibrous and bony ankylosed samples at day 28. Different colors represent different expression levels (red high expression, white medium expression, and blue low expression). DEGs – differentially expressed genes.