Monthly Differences in Medical Accompaniments for Forensic Rape Exams (FRE) for Victim Advocacy Agencies in Pennsylvania between 2019 to 2020, with Corresponding State-Enacted COVID-19 Restrictions. Legend. Dotted lines = percent change between 2019 and 2020 for each month. July 2019 and July 2020 numbers are inflated as continuing and new clients are counted as new clients in July. Number of ★ represents severity of restrictions. Counties transitioned into phases at differing time points depending on levels of virus transmission. Red phase (March 15th- May 8th, 2020) = Stay at home orders, only life sustaining businesses open, schools and childcare closed, masks required in all public spaces. Yellow phase (May 8th—June 5th, 2020) = Stay at home order lifted but aggressive mitigation and must limit gathering sizes, telecommute when feasible, businesses open with limited capacity and safety orders in place, childcare and schools opened. Green Phase (May 29th-November 23rd, 2020) = Increased size of gatherings allowed, indoor dining resumed at reduced capacity, fitness facilities opened. Targeted (November 23rd, 2020-Jan 4th, 2021) = Stay at home advisory, schools in counties with substantial transmission closed for two weeks, telework mandatory unless impossible, reduction in indoor and outdoor gatherings, limit unnecessary and out of state travel, and indoor dining and fitness facilities closed