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. 2021 Aug 9;15:709387. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2021.709387



Brief ACh puffs elicit long-lasting inward currents in VIP neurons. (A) Example traces of currents elicited by ACh puffs in control ACSF (top), 5 μM Mec (middle), and 5 μM Mec + 5 nM MLA (bottom). Arrows indicate the time of the ACh puffs. (B) The total charge flux elicited by ACh, measured by the average area under the median-filtered curve, significantly decreased after bath application of Mec. Subsequent application of MLA did not cause a further reduction (LMM: treatment effect, F2,8 = 20.52, p = 7e-4, n = 5; control vs. Mec, t8 = –5.44, p = 6e-4; control vs. Mec + MLA, t8 = –5.65, p = 5e-4). Horizontal dashed line indicates the level of zero mean difference. Vertical lines on the paired mean difference points indicate 95% bootstrap confidence intervals.