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. 2021 Aug 19;9(8):23259671211021352. doi: 10.1177/23259671211021352


Available Diagnostic Methods for Subtalar Instabilitya

Diagnostic Method Purpose
Clinical history Mechanism of injury, symptoms
Physical examination Signs of ligament injury, lower leg alignment, manual stress testing
 Stress radiography Objective assessment of subtalar laxity
 Using MRI Assess structural integrity of subtalar ligaments and peripheral structures
 Subtalar arthrography Assess structural integrity of subtalar ligaments and peripheral structures
 CT Hindfoot alignment and damage of peripheral bony structures; useful if combined with stress measurements
 Using US Assess structural integrity of subtalar ligaments with dynamic testing
 Diagnostic arthroscopy In cases that show equivocal findings; helpful to visualize ligaments that are difficult to assess in MRI/US (eg, ITCL)

aCT, computed tomography; ITCL, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasound.