Figure 5.
Top: Stability assays of silica-encapsulated DGK. (a) Pronase E assay. (b) Simulated gastric fluid assay. (c) Simulated intestinal fluid assay. Sample activities were measured before and after incubation overnight (o/n) as described in the Materials and Methods section. (d) Activity of DGK incubated at 37 and 60 °C for 3 days with or without 20 equiv of BP-1. Bottom: Scanning electron micrographs of DGK BP-1-R5 silica particles. (a) Treated with Pronase E. (b) Treated with SGF. (c) Treated with SIF. (d) Control. Samples: diacylglycerol kinase (DGK), silica particles from R5 and DGK coprecipitation (R5 part.), silica particles from BP-1-R5 and DGK (BP-1-R5 part.), Pronase E negative control (Pron. E), simulated gastric fluid negative control (SGF), and simulated intestinal fluid negative control (SIF).