Extended Data Fig. 6. Transcriptomic comparison of hPSC-derived microglia to microglia from previously published differentiation protocols.
A) MDS analysis using published datasets from 4 different microglial protocols10–12,35 and 1 study profiling acutely isolated adult primary microglia from postmortem human brain tissue37 reveals that hPSC-derived microglia from both method i (mg1) and method ii (mg2) cluster near the microglia differentiated from published protocols as well as near fetal microglia. adultmg = acutely isolated adult primary microglia sequenced in our study, mg1 = hPSC-derived microglia from method i, mg2 = hPSC-derived microglia from method ii of our study. adultmg_(ormel, galatro, abud) = adult microglia from Ormel et al35, Galatro et al37, Abud et al11, fetal_mg(abud, douv, muffat) = fetal microglia from Abud et al11, Douvaras et al12, Muffat et al10, mg_(abud, douv, muffat, ormel) = hPSC-microglia from Abud et al11, Douvaras et al12, Muffat et al10, and Ormel et al35. Dimension 1 vs. 2 separates the adult primary microglia from the fetal microglia/hPSC-derived microglia. B) Dimension 2 vs. 3 separates out the adult primary microglia and fetal microglia cultured in serum used in Abud et al11. Our hPSC-derived microglia (mg1, mg2) cluster near the other differentiated microglia (mg_ormel, mg_douv, mg_muffat) and fetal microglia (fetalmg_douv, fetalmg_douv+serum, fetalmg_muffat+serum).