Extended Data Fig. 3. Normalized counts of genes expressed by hPSC-derived microglia and hPSC-derived neurons in co-culture.
A) hPSC-derived neurons co-cultured with microglia express signature genes important for microglial maturation (IL-34, CSF1, CX3CL1, CD200, TGFB2, TGFB3), whereas hPSC-derived microglia express low levels or do not express these genes. neurons= hPSC-derived neurons, micro = hPSC-derived microglia from method ii of differentiation. n=4 samples for neurons and n=6 for microglia. Error bars = SD, center = mean. B) hPSC-derived microglia co-cultured with hPSC-derived neurons express a large panel of microglial genes at nearly the same levels as adult acutely isolated primary microglia, except TMEM119, P2RY12, and SALL1. primary = adult acutely isolated microglia, n=4, macro = method ii, matured alone then co-cultured, n=6, round = method i, direct co-culture, n=6. Error bars = SD, center = mean.