Influences of pyroptosis on BBB integrity at 24 h after reperfusion. (a) Representative pictures of double immunofluorescence stainings of GSDMD (red) colocalized with GFAP (green); white arrows represent astrocytic pyroptosis, scale bars, 50 μm. (b) Representative pictures of immunohistochemical staining of SMI 71. Red arrows show smooth and intact capillaries which represent normal BBB integrity, and black arrows represent the damage of BBB integrity with unsmoothed, shriveled, or ruptured capillaries, scale bars, 50/20 μm. (c) Brain water content analysis of ischemic hemisphere, n = 4. Data are presented as mean ± SD. #P < 0.05, I/R group versus sham group; ▲P < 0.05, I/R + LPS group versus I/R group; ∗P < 0.05, I/R + Gly group versus I/R group.