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. 2021 Aug 21;15:100901. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100901

Table 3.

Multivariate fixed and random-effect estimates derived from Model 6 of four-level mixed-effect probit model (Part 1: selection equation) and three-level mixed-effects linear model with log link and gamma distribution (Part 2: regression equation) in rural Uttar Pradesh, India.

Four-level mixed-effect probit model (Part 1: selection equation)
Three-level mixed-effect linear model with log link and gamma distribution (Part 2: regression equation)
Adjusted Marginal
[95% CI] P Value Adjusted Rate Ratio [95% CI] P Value
Fixed Effects
Household head's social capitala
H-SoS 0.02 * [0.001, 0.03] 0.04 Not included in adjusted modele
H-TR −0.01 [-0.03, 0.004] 0.20 1.31 # [0.96, 1.79] 0.09
H-SC Not included in adjusted modele 0.78 # [0.58, 1.06] 0.11
Community social capitala
C-OP −0.004 [-0.02, 0.02] 0.69 0.90 [0.73, 1.11] 0.34
C-SoS 0.02 # [-0.002, 0.04] 0.09 0.93 [0.75, 1.13] 0.45
C-TR Not included in adjusted modele 0.90 # [0.78, 1.04] 0.14
C-SC −0.03 * [-0.06, −0.01] 0.02 0.92 [0.71, 1.18] 0.49
Characteristics of Healthcare Event
Cause of health-seeking (Ref: Acute Illness)
Pregnancy or delivery 0.08 * [0.02, 0.15] 0.00 1.18 [0.71, 1.96] 0.00
Chronic illness 0.02 # [-0.01, 0.06] 0.88 [0.61, 1.28]
Accident or injury 0.08 ** [0.02, 0.15] 1.30 [0.83, 2.04]
Others −0.04 * [-0.07, −0.01] 0.45 *** [0.29, 0.69]
Sequence of health visits (Ref: First)
Second −0.03 ** [-0.06, −0.01] 0.00 0.65 * [0.47, 0.91] 0.02
Third −0.05 *** [-0.08, −0.02] 0.61 # [0.35, 1.05]
Healthcare provider (Ref: Public)
Private 0.04 ** [0.01, 0.07] 0.00 0.94 [0.67, 1.32] 0.00
Informal −0.07 ** [-0.10, −0.03] 0.25 *** [0.12, 0.49]
Member's Characteristics
Patient's age categories (Ref: 0–15 years)
16–49 years 0.03 # [-0.001, 0.07] 0.12 1.77 * [1.10, 2.84] 0.06
50 yeas or above 0.05 # [-0.001, 0.10] 1.59 # [0.94, 2.68]
Relationship with household head (Ref: Self)
Spouse Not included in adjusted modele 1.07 [0.73, 1.57] 0.92
Child/Parents 1.17 [0.75, 1.83]
Others 1.12 [0.59, 2.13]
Employment (Ref: Unemployed)
Employed −0.03 # [-0.06, 0.004] 0.11 Not included in adjusted modele
Disability (Ref: No)
Yes 0.07 # [-0.01, 0.14] 0.06 Not included in adjusted modele
Household Head's Characteristics
Age categories (Ref: less than 30 years)
31-40 −0.04 # [-0.09, 0.003] 0.03 Not included in adjusted modele
41-50 −0.06 * [-0.10, −0.01]
51-60 −0.03 [-0.09, 0.02]
61 and above −0.09 ** [-0.15, −0.04]
Education (Ref: No Education)
Up to primary −0.002 [-0.04, 0.04] 0.19 Not included in adjusted modele
Up to secondary −0.01 [-0.05, 0.03]
Above secondary −0.06 * [-0.11, −0.01]
Household head's occupation (Ref: Agriculture)
Wage laborer 0.03 [-0.01, 0.07] 0.33 Not included in adjusted modele
Self-employed & Salaried 0.02 [-0.03, 0.07]
Unemployed 0.03 [-0.02, 0.08]
Freedom of decision making (Ref; Low)
High −0.03 [-0.08, 0.02] 0.22 1.06 [0.69, 1.62] 0.80
Household's Characteristics
Household caste (Ref: General)
ST/SC Not included in adjusted modele 0.82 [0.55, 1.23] 0.58
OBC and Others 0.82 [0.54, 1.23]
Caste concordanceb (Ref: No)
Yes Not included in adjusted modele 0.86 [0.64, 1.16] 0.32
Household wealth (Ref: Poorest)
Poorer 0.02 [-0.03, 0.07] 0.51 1.46 # [0.96, 2.24] 0.35
Medium −0.001 [-0.05, 0.05] 1.34 [0.85, 2.11]
Richer −0.01 [-0.06, 0.04] 1.51 # [0.94, 2.41]
Richest −0.02 [-0.07, 0.02] 1.55 # [0.93, 2.59]
Financial stability of the household (Ref: Worsen)
Stable −0.10 *** [-0.13, −0.06] 0.00 Not included in adjusted modele
Improved −0.15 *** [-0.20, −0.11]
Household member number (Count) Not included in adjusted modele 1.02 [0.95, 1.10] 0.57
Monthly health expenditure (per Int.$100)c 0.006 *** [0.004, 0.007] 0.00 1.04 *** [1.02, 1.06] 0.00
Community's Characteristics
Census block (Ref: Behadar)
Kachhauna 0.03 [-0.02, 0.09] 0.10 1.83 # [1.00, 3.33] 0.40
Kothwan 0.04 # [-0.01, 0.09] 1.25 [0.76, 2.07]
Kasmanda 0.01 [-0.03, 0.06] 1.27 [0.73, 2.21]
Machhrehta 0.08 ** [0.03, 0.13] 1.12 [0.68, 1.83]
Sidhauli 0.02 [-0.02, 0.07] 1.04 [0.65, 1.68]
Community wealthd Not included in adjusted modele 0.98 [0.83, 1.15] 0.77
Community reciprocity Not included in adjusted modele 0.65 * [0.44, 0.95] 0.03
Random Effects
Level 4: Community variance 0.18
Level 4: ICC 0.03
Level 3: Household variance 2.48 ~0.001
Level 3: ICC 0.35 ~0.001
Level 2: Household members variance 2.26 0.57
Level 2: ICC 0.47 0.69
Fit Statistics
Log-likelihood (LL) −1041 −3032
Akaike information criterion (AIC) 2170 6140
Observations 3063 464

Note: The adjusted regressions include data from 3063 health events of 2124 individual household members from 1758 households within 324 communities or sampling clusters, *** = p < 0.001, ** = p < 0.01, * = p < 0.05, # = p < 0.20.

a = Social capital scores were measured as the standardized factor score generated by multi-level confirmatory factor analysis of social capital indicators of Shortened Adapted Social Capital Assessment Tool in India (SASCAT-I).

b = Caste concordance: Household caste is the same as the caste of the majority of the population in the community.

c = Int.$ is calculated using Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 2017 of India: 1 Int..$ = 20.648 Rup (

d = Community wealth is measured by the average of the individual household wealth index generated by PCA.

H-SoS = Household head's social support, H-TR = Household head's trust, H-SC = Household head's social cohesion.

C-OP = Community organizational participation, C-SoS = Community social support, C-TR = Community trust.

C-SC = Community social cohesion.

e = Variable was not included in the adjusted model as it did not present a significant association in the unadjusted model. Please, see the supplement 5 in the Additional File 1 for more information.