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. 2021 Aug 23;78(10):1–6. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.2806

Table 1. Demographic Information for ROS/MAP Samples Used in RNA Sequencing of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex .

Characteristic ROS (n = 278) MAP (n = 230) ROS/MAP (N = 508)
Age, mean (SEM), y
At enrollment 78.9 (7.1) 84.3 (5.8) 81.3 (7.0)
At death 87.6 (7.2) 89.3 (5.8) 88.4 (6.6)
Education, mean (SEM), y 18.0 (3.2) 14.7 (2.7) 16.5 (3.5)
Female, No. (%) 172 (61.8) 143 (62.2) 315 (62.0)
Male, No. (%) 106 (38.1) 87 (37.8) 193 (38.0)
Clinical diagnosis of AD at death, No. (%) 107 (38.5) 90 (39.1) 197 (38.8)
Pathological diagnosis of AD, No. (%) 162 (58.2) 134 (58.2) 296 (58.2)

Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer disease; MAP, Rush Memory and Aging Project; ROS, Religious Orders Study.