Figure 4.
Isobologram analysis of GIA effects when combining anti-PfCyRPA mAbs. The isobolograms show the effect of combining anti-PfCyRPA mAbs using fixed-ratio mixtures (5:0, 4:1, 3:2, 2:3, 1:4 and 0:5) against P. falciparum 3D7. The x and y axes show the FIC50 values of the two mAbs taking part of the combination. The grey dashed line indicates the expected results following the definition of Loewe additivity. The purple line links the observed values of each ratio of the mAb combination that induces 50% GIA. The points below the additivity line indicates synergy, while points above indicate antagonism. The following mAb combinations were investigated: CyP1.9:CyP2.38, CyP1.9:CyP2.39 and CyP2.38:CyP2.39.