Whole body grip strength and soleus force production. (a-c) Whole body grip strength relative to body mass in MET+LEU, MET and LEU compared to Vehicle during HU and reloading (7 and 14d). (d-f) Soleus muscle ex vivo isometric specific force frequency curve in AMB, Vehicle, MET+LEU, MET and LEU during hindlimb unloading. (g-i) Absolute force contraction-relaxation at 100 Hz frequency in soleus of AMB, Vehicle, MET+LEU, MET and LEU during hindlimb unloading. (j-l) Specific force production during pulse (1 Hz) in soleus in AMB, Vehicle, MET+LEU, MET and LEU during hindlimb unloading. (m-o) Absolute soleus force contraction-relaxation during pulse (1 Hz). # p<0.05 vs. AMB, * p<0.05 vs. Vehicle. N=4–18/group, for force measurements N=4–6/group.