PBMCs from PN (n=4) and healthy subjects (n=5) (67% African American) were stimulated with PMA and Ionomycin in combination with protein transport inhibitor for 4hrs. The differentiation of T-cell subtypes was assessed by flow cytometry. a, Representative flow cytometry plots for γδ T-cells (CD3+CD4− CD8−γδTCR+ cells). b, Percentage of CD3+ γδ T-cells (median ± ICR). c, Representative flow cytometry plots for Vδ1+ and Vδ2+ subsets of γδ – T cells. d, Percentage of sub-population of γδ-T cells (CD3+γδ-TCR+Vδ1+ or Vδ2+) (median ± ICR). e, Representative flow cytometry plots for iNKT-cells (CD3+CD4−CD8−CD56+). f, Percentage of CD3+ iNKT – cells (median ± ICR). g, Heat map representing geometric mean expression of T-cell populations from healthy and PN subjects as represented by CD4+ T helper (CD3+CD4+CD8−) cells, CD8+ T cytotoxic cells (CD3+CD8+ CD4−), γδ T-cells (CD3+CD4−CD8− TCR+ cells), iNKT-cells (CD3+CD4−CD8− CD56+). h, Representative flow cytometry plots for CD8 Naïve (CD3+CD8+CD45RA+) cells and CD8 Memory (CD3+CD8+CD45RO+) cells. i, Percentage of CD8 Naïve and CD8 Memory cells (median ± ICR). *P<0.05, healthy controls versus PN subjects, as calculated by a non-parametric Mann Whitney U-test. ns = non-significant.