Calorie content of continuously available foods before and after implementation of calorie labeling.
Notes: The horizontal solid lines show observed mean calories per item. The shaded regions around these solid lines show SEs (±1 SE) around the observed mean calories per item. The horizontal dotted lines show expected mean calories per item in the absence of calorie labeling (i.e., projections of pre-labeling trends). The vertical dotted line shows the timing of calorie labeling implementation in the chains (April 2017). Prepared foods were items subject to the new calorie labeling requirement; comparison foods were packaged products similar to prepared items but not subject to the new calorie labeling requirement. Bakery items were muffins, pastries, bagels, biscuits, cookies, and rolls. Entrees and sides were main course items or side dish items such as rotisserie chicken, sandwiches, chicken wings, pizza, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, and soups. Deli meats and cheeses were pre-sliced deli meats such as turkey, ham, or chicken breast or pre-sliced deli cheeses.
Jan, January.