Figure 3. Neuronal stimulation effects.
(A-D) Raster plots represent responses of a single prefrontal neuron in the remember-first (A and B) and remember-second tasks (C and D), under control and NB stimulation conditions. Line traces represent averaged, peri-stimulus time histograms, with and without NB stimulation. Trials are pooled from conditions when the first visual stimulus appeared to the contralateral (A and C) or ipsilateral hemifield (B and D). Gray bars indicate time of visual stimulus presentation.
(E) Population Peri-Stimulus Time Histogram (PSTH) averaged across all neurons (n = 233) and all stimulus conditions.
(F) Distribution of changes in firing rate in the fixation period across all neurons (n = 233).
(G) Mean Fano factor of spike counts averaged over the fixation, cue, and first delay period of the task (n = 233). Error bars represent SEM.