Antibodies |
Anti-FLAG M2 |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat#F1804; RRID: AB_262044 |
Anti-HIV Nef Polyclonal |
NIH AIDS Reagent Program |
Cat#2949; RRID: n/a. |
Anti-HA-HRP |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat#H6533-1VL; RRID: AB_439706 |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat#A8592-.2MG; RRID: AB_262044 |
Anti-Actin-HRP |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat#A3854-200UL; RRID: AB_262011 |
Proteintech |
Cat#HRP-60004; RRID: AB_2107436 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-CrkRS (CDK12) |
Novus |
Cat#NB100-87011; RRID: AB_1199396 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-CDC2L5 (CDK13) |
Novus |
Cat#NB100-68268; RRID: AB_1107830 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Cyclin K |
Abcam |
Cat#Ab85854; RRID: AB_1860218 |
Goat-anti-human-IgG-HRP |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#31412; RRID: AB_228265 |
Goat-anti-rabbit-IgG-HRP |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#G21234; RRID: AB_2536530 |
Goat-anti-mouse-IgG-HRP |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#G21040; RRID: AB_2536527 |
AF647 anti-HA |
BioLegend |
Cat#682404; RRID: AB_2566616 |
Pacific Blue anti-HA |
BioLegend |
Cat#901525; RRID: AB_2734659 |
Monoclonal anti-Nef |
Zheng et al., 2003
n/a |
Bacterial and virus strains |
HIV-1 Provirus pH22, pH22ΔN |
Zheng et al., 2003
n/a |
BL21 E. coli
Cat#C2530H |
DH10B E. coli
Cat#C3019H |
HB101 E. coli
Promega |
Cat#L2011 |
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins |
Propidum Iodide Cell Cycle Reagent |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#BMS500PI |
MG132 |
APExBio |
Cat#A2585 |
Lactacystin |
Enzo |
Cat#BML-P1104-0200 |
Bafilomycin A1 |
APExBio |
Cat#A8627 |
NH4Cl |
Sigma |
Cat#A9434-500G |
THZ531 |
APExBio |
Cat#A8736 |
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail |
Sigma |
Cat#P8340 |
GenScript |
n/a |
GenScript |
n/a |
GenScript |
n/a |
3X FLAG peptide |
Sigma |
Cat#F4799-4MG |
Critical commercial assays |
CloneExpressII one-step cloning kit |
Vazyme Biotech, China |
Cat#C112 |
Site-directed Mutagenesis Kit |
Agilent |
Cat#200521 |
Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit |
Biotium |
Cat#30085-T |
Phos-Tag Phosphoprotein Gel Stain Kit |
ABP Biosciences |
Cat#P005A |
Pierce Classic IP Kit |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#26146 |
Experimental models: Cell lines |
HEK293T |
CRL-3216 |
TZM-bI |
NIH AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program |
8129 |
SERINC3/5 knockout Jurkat-TAg |
A gift from Heinrich Gottlinger, University of Massachusetts |
n/a |
Oligonucleotides |
Promega |
n/a |
Recombinant DNA |
pCMV6-Ser5-FLAG |
Ahmad et al., 2019; Shi et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2017
n/a |
Ahmad et al., 2019; Shi et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2017
n/a |
pBJ5-Ser5-HA |
A gift from Heinrich Gottlinger, University of Massachusetts |
n/a |
pBJ5-iHA-Ser5 |
A gift from Heinrich Gottlinger, University of Massachusetts |
n/a |
pcDNA3.1-CDK12-FLAG |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
pcDNA3.1-CDK13-FLAG |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
pLKO.1-CDK12shRNA |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
pLKO.1-CDK13shRNA |
A gift from Qintong Li, Sichuan University |
n/a |
Origene |
n/a |
pMJ920 (GFP marker) |
Jinek et al., 2013
Jennifer Doudna, UC Berkeley, Addgene Cat#42234 |
pcDNA3.1-CDK12-HA |
This paper |
n/a |
pcDNA3.1-CDK13-HA |
This paper |
n/a |
This paper |
n/a |
pCMV6-Ser5-FLAG S249A, S360A, T366A, L350A/I352A |
This paper |
n/a |
pBJ5-iHA-Ser5 S249A, S360A, T366A, L350A/I352A, L350A/I352A/S360D |
This paper |
n/a |
pGEX-ICL4 S360A |
This paper |
n/a |
pcDNA3.1-CDK12-FLAG D858A, D876N, D858A/D876N |
This paper |
n/a |
pcDNA3.1-CDK13-FLAG D837A, D855N, D837A/D855N |
This paper |
n/a |
pTWIST-CD8α-ICL4 and mutants |
TWIST Bioscience |
n/a |
pNL4.3-LL-AA |
A gift from Warner Greene, UCSF |
n/a |
Software and algorithms |
ModFit LT version 4.1.7 |
Verity |
Proteome Discoverer 2.2 + SEQUEST HT Search Engine |
Thermo Fisher OPTON-30945 |
MassHunter Qualitative Analysis Navigator B.08.00 |
Agilent |
FlowJo v10.7 |
FlowJo |
Other |
Zip-tip |
Millipore |
Cat#ZTC18S096 |
EASY nanoLC-1200 system |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#LC140 |
Protein G beads |
Thermo Fisher |
Cat#20398 |
Anti-HA Affinity Matrix |
Sigma |
Cat#11815016001 |
Anti-FLAG M2 Affinity Gel |
Sigma |
Cat#A2220 |