FIG 5.
Microbial diversity in mothers. (a and b) Principal-component analysis (PCoA) ordination of the variation in beta-diversity of human gut bacterial (a) and eukaryote (b) communities based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities. Color and shape represent maternal exposure to parasites (turquoise circles for negative and dark-red squares for positive exposure). PERMANOVAs indicate that exposure to parasites explains 5.6% (P < 0.01) of the variation in mother gut bacterial community structure. Ellipses represent the confidence intervals at 95%. No significant effects of age or exposure to parasites were detected for the eukaryote community structure. (c and d) Shannon diversity of gut bacterial (c) and eukaryote (d) community structures. (e and f) Estimated richness of gut bacterial (e) and eukaryote (f) community structures. No significant differences were detected by Mann-Whitney tests for richness and alpha-diversity between the parasite-positive and -negative groups.