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. 2021 Jul 7;6(4):e00271-21. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00271-21

FIG 1.


Collection of mosquito saliva into blood is statistically comparable to collection into mineral oil but produced 4-fold (DENV-4H)- and 9-fold (DENV-4L)-higher positivity rates. Shown are day 14 infection rates (A) and day 14 infection intensities (B) of Aedes aegypti (ORL) saliva specimens with the DENV-4 Haiti (H) (red) and DENV-4 laboratory (L) (blue) strains, collected into capillaries filled with either mineral oil or blood. Dots represent individual mosquito samples, with medians and 95% confidence intervals per group combined from three biological replicates.