Figure 6.
(a)The expressions of SLC16A1-14 were different in different immune subtypes (C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6). C1 is the wound healing type, C2 is the dominant type of IFN-γ, C3 is the inflammatory type, C4 is the lymphocyte depleted type, C5 is the immunologically quiet type, and C6 is the TGF-β dominant type. This suggests that SLC16 family proteins may be related to tumor immunity. (b)Correlation matrix plots to show the association between SLC16 family expression and immune scores of 33 different cancer types based on the ESTIMATE algorithm. Spearman correlation was used for testing. The size of the dots stands for the absolute value of the correlation coefficients. The bigger the size is, the higher the correlation is (higher absolute correlation coefficient). (c)Correlation matrix plots to show the association between SLC16 family expression and stromal scores of 33 different cancer types based on the ESTIMATE algorithm. Spearman correlation was used for testing. The size of the dots stands for the absolute value of the correlation coefficients. The bigger the size is, the higher the correlation is (higher absolute correlation coefficient).(d, e)Association of SLC16 family expression with tumor stemness in 33 different cancer types. Correlation matrix between SLC16 family expression and mRNAs induced tumor stem cell properties (RNAss, Figure 6d) and DNA methylation induced tumor stem cell properties (DNAss, Figure 6e) respectively based on Spearman correlation tests