FIG 5.
ttsgR_S, a template extending ttsgR by 28 nt at the 5′ end, permits efficient ttsgR replication by p28 and p88 provided in trans and facilitates the interrogation of potential 5′ to 3′ base-pair interaction. (a) Schematic representation of the ttsgR_S template, and three mutants of it, with mutated nucleotides in red. The putative terminal stems formed by eight predicted base pairs, and its disruption by mutations, are also depicted. (b) Northern blotting detection of ttsgR from five different templates. Arrows, ttsgR; stars, ttsgR*; diamonds, ttsgR/ttsgR* dimers. (c) The terminal nucleotide positions and identities of ttsgR variants arisen from the ttsgR_S template. (d) The terminal nucleotide positions and identities of ttsgR variants arisen from the S_m5p template. Data in c and d were obtained by sequencing the cloned products of RT-PCR primed with divergent (back-to-back) primers.