DMS dopamine axons encode specific combinations of stimuli and actions in a lateralized manner. A, Action-aligned signals during correct trials in DMS dopamine axons averaged across mice (n = 5). Gray horizontal bars indicate the analysis window used in the subsequent panels. Note that the difference in responses before the action reflect responses to stimuli that preceded the action onset (Fig. 3B). B, Average change in normalized neural responses after versus before action initiation. Responses reflect the difference in mean responses before and after the action onset (in the windows shown in A), normalized to the maximum response of each mouse, and then averaged across mice (see Materials and Methods). C, Average action-aligned signals separated by size of reward obtained. D, As in C but separated by choice accuracy. E, Summary of DMS dopamine signals during the choice task. Average stimulus responses of contralateral and ipsilateral DA axons in the choice task, separated by reward size and choice accuracy aligned to the stimulus onset (left) and action onset (right). Note that in the correct trials, contralateral action followed contralateral stimulus and in the error trials contralateral action followed ipsilateral stimulus. All panels show responses averaged across n = 5 mice, and error bars are SEM across mice.