Fig. 4. PVN modulation and plasticity of left auditory cortex.
a, Example photometry recording from virgin female left auditory cortex (AC). b, Change in photometry signal during co-housing in example animal. c, Summary of photometry data in AC. d, Schematic of simultaneous auditory cortex photometry and PVN single-unit recording during retrieval observation with a transparent barrier. e, Example single-trial auditory cortex photometry (insets, pup vocalizations) and PVN spiking before (left) and after (right) virgin began retrieving. Time is zero at dam pup retrieval. f, Summary of single-trial responses during dam retrievals. g, Schematic of photometry from virgin PVN projections to left AC during transparent-barrier observations. h, Photometric responses of auditory cortex from virgin females during observation. Time is zero at dam pup retrieval. i, Single-trial (grey) and per-animal responses (red). j, Effect of OTA or saline infusion in non-co-housed virgin left auditory cortex before dam retrieval observation. k, Optogenetic stimulation (opto stim) of left auditory cortex OT-ChETA fibres during opaque-barrier testing increased virgin retrieval. Data are mean ± s.e.m.; *P < 0.05.