Extended Data Fig. 4. Toalean human burial from Leang Panninge.
a, Single adult inhumation. The 17–18-year-old female was buried in a flexed position and partially covered with several large cobbles. b, Detail of the fragment clusters comprising the skull area. The skeleton is fragmentary (Supplementary Table 2), but the skull, although crushed post-mortem, is well represented by the mandible and mandibular dentition, maxilla and maxillary dentition, frontal bone, temporals, right parietal and occipital bone. The cranium was positioned between two large cobbles (denoted 1 and 2). c, Detail of the burial feature; cobble #1 was placed over one of the hands, cobble #4 was positioned over the left foot, and cobble #5 covered the pelvic region. d, Semi-complete pelves and left foot (plantar surface facing up). e, Sediment block containing the cranium, following removal from the archaeological trench and before excavation in the laboratory. Image credits: Leang Panninge research team (a–g).