Extended Data Fig. 5. Toalean stone tool types from the Toalean burial and associated contexts at Leang Panninge.
a, b, Position of the chert Maros point (shown inset in a) found below the right pelvis during excavation of the sediment block containing the semi-complete pelves. The red arrows in a and b indicate the position of the Maros point amidst stone-flaking debris and other cultural artefacts (at the time these photographs were taken, the bones of the pelvic area had already been removed). c, Position of the non-classic chert Maros point (shown inset, original location highlighted by the blue arrow) found below the skull amidst other stone artefacts and cultural remains (human teeth are still visible at the top of the sediment block under excavation). d, Maros point exposed during the excavation. e–h, Examples of Maros points from layer 4, above the level of the Toalean human burial: square S16T6, spit 18 (Find #62) (e); square S16T6, spit 18 (Find #77) (f); square S17T6, spit 18 (Find #54) (g); square S17T6, spit 16 (Find #95) (h). i–k, Examples of Maros points from spits 19 and 20 within squares S16T6 and S17T6, where the Toalean human burial was located. l–p, Examples of Maros points from other excavated squares at Leang Panninge. Image credits: Leang Panninge research team (a–p).