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. 2021 Jun 28;108(8):1450–1465. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2021.06.003

Table 1.

Clinical and genetic findings of individuals with variants in CLCN3

Individual # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.1 10.2
CLCN3 variant information

Genomic (GRCh38) chr4: 169680143-A-G chr4: 169692139-T-C chr4: 169695646 T>C chr4: 169697409-C-T chr4: 169697528-A-C chr4: 169704143-C-T chr4: 169704143-C-T chr4: 169706937-T-C chr4: 169713244-T-C chr4: 169687675_169687678del chr4: 169687675_169687678del
cDNA (NM_173872.3) c.254A>G c.755T>C c.971T>C c.1238C>T c.1357A>C c.1709C>T c.1709C>T c.1820T>C c.2315T>C c.336_339del c.336_339del
Protein p.Tyr85Cys p.Ile252Thr p.Val324Ala p.Ala413Val p.Ser453Arg p.Thr570Ile p.Thr570Ile p.Ile607Thr p.Val772Ala p.Lys112Asnfs6 p.Lys112Asnfs6
Inheritance de novo de novo de novo unknown (adopted) de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo homozygous (parents unaffected) homozygous (parents unaffected)
Sequencing method trio WES, clinical trio WES, clinical WES, research singleton WES, clinical trio WES, clinical trio WGS, research trio WES, research trio WES, clinical trio WES, clinical trio WES, research trio WES, research
CADD score 28.7 26.2 27.4 22.3 26.7 23.6 23.6 27.1 23.4 32 32

Patient information

Sex female male male female female female female female male male male
Ethnicity Turkish (consanguineous) European European European Metis/European European Ashkenazi Jewish European Uruguayan European European
Institution Erasmus University Medical Center Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital University of California San Francisco Emory University School of Medicine University of British Columbia Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University of British Columbia University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Boston Children’s Hospital University Hospital of Düsseldorf University Hospital of Düsseldorf
Age 16 y 5 y 17 y 10 y 5 y 13 y 12 y 23 d (deceased) 7 y 18 m 14 m (deceased)
Gestational age 40 weeks 39 weeks 39 3/7 weeks ND 41 3/7 weeks 41 2/7 weeks approx. 40 weeks 39 6/7 weeks approx. 39 weeks 40 weeks 40 weeks
Birth weight 4,000 g (+1.57 SD, 94th %ile) 3,340 g (−0.35 SD) 3,020 g (−0.89 SD, 19th %ile) ND 3,960 g (>+1.19 SD, >88.3%ile) 2,790 g (−1.01 SD, 16th %ile) 3,203 g (−0.06 SD, 47th %ile) 3,130 g (−0.8 SD) 2,485 g (−3.94 SD, 3rd %ile) 3,230 g (25th %ile) 3,660 g (50th %ile)
Birth length ND 52 cm (+0.70 SD) 50 cm (−0.22 SD, 41%ile) ND 54 cm (+2.17 SD, 98.5%ile) 52 cm (+1.59 SD, 94th %ile) 49 cm (−0.08 SD, 47th %ile) 50.8 cm (−0.4 SD) 44 cm (−3.11 SD, 0%ile) 53 cm (50th %ile) 55 cm (90–97th %ile)
OFC Birth ND 34.5 cm (−0.61 SD) 33 cm (−1.16 SD, 12th %ile) ND 35 cm (+0.42 SD, 66.4%ile) 32 cm (−1.59 SD, 6th %ile) 33.5 cm (−0.32 SD, 37th %ile) 40.5 cm (+4.5 SD) ND 34 cm (10th %ile) 34.5 cm (10–25th %ile)
Failure to thrive N N Y N N Y N Y Y N N
Feeding issues Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y

Neurological features

Speech development delayed absent absent delayed delayed delayed with regression at 3 y delayed N/A absent absent absent
Gross motor development delayed, walks independently delayed, walks independently (starting a 6 y) delayed, does not walk independently delayed, walks independently delayed, walks independently with difficulty and AFOs delayed, walks independently delayed, walks independently N/A delayed, sits supported, cannot crawl or walk delayed, does not walk independently delayed, never walked independently
Fine motor development delayed delayed delayed delayed delayed delayed delayed N/A delayed delayed delayed
Developmental delay/intellectual disability mild-moderate ID (IQ 55) severe ID (QS 24) severe ID mild ID (IQ 71) GDD profound ID mild-moderate ID N/A severe ID GDD GDD
Seizures N tonic clonic, onset 29 m myoclonic, onset 4 y, controlled by clobazam + oxcarbazepine N non-clinical seizures N N N seizures, onset 6 m, well controlled w/ Keppra focal seizure onset in neonatal period; start at 3 months multifocal tonic and myoclonic seizures seizure onset 3 months, tonic and myoclonic
Autism Y not evaluated N Y N Y N N/A N N Y
Hypotonia N severe moderate mild moderate mild moderate N truncal and nuchal N N, has severe spasticity
Mood or behavioral abnormalities temper tantrums since puberty N N hyperactive, OCD, anxiety, stereotypies self- stimulatory actions when younger severe anxiety, self-injurious, intermittent explosive behavior severe anxiety N/A N severe restlessness N

Other Clinical Findings

Vision/Eye abnormalities N unilateral strabismus bilateral partial optic atrophy, retinal dystrophy, nystagmus strabismus strabismus, intermittent right exotropia strabismus, hyperopia anisometropia N/A esotropia salt and pepper fundus pigmentation, nystagmus, no fixation salt and pepper fundus pigmentation, nystagmus, no fixation
Hearing impairment N N N unilateral hearing impairment due to hx of cholesteatoma N mild sensorineural hearing loss N N/A N N N
Dysmorphic features Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Congenital anomalies N N crytorchdism possible hydrocephalus at birth N N N arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, hip dislocation ASD, BL talipes equinovarus, BL renal pyelectasis, BL hand contractures, congenital radial head dislocation, hypoplastic/absent coccyx N N

Y, present; N, absent; ND, no data; N/A, not applicable; GDD, global developmental delay; BL, bilateral.