a, Representative images of Rac1-mCherry-TsCC(B) localization in U2OS cells expressing (RGG)3 scaffold with the cognate (TsCCA) or non-matching (SZ1) coiled coil. Scale bars, 10 μm. b, Violin plots of client enrichment for Rac1-mCherry-TsCC(B) and ERK1-mCherry-TsCC(B) in the presence of synthetic condensates with matching and non-matching coiled coils. n = 65 and 20 cells from four and three independent experiments, respectively. c, Percentage of scaffold and indicated endogenously tagged protein in condensates. For b and c, n = 65 and 20 cells pooled from four and three independent experiments for Rac1 and ERK1, respectively. d, Representative images of Par6-mCherry-TsCC(B) localization at the plasma membrane with no scaffold expression (top) and with scaffold expression and condensate formation. e, Average of line scans of Par6 at the cell boundary for cells without scaffold expression, non-matching scaffolds, and scaffolds with cognate coiled coil. n = 10 cells for each line scan. Error bars, s.d.