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. 2021 Sep;219(3):494–500. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2020.250

Table 1.

Sample characteristics

n Exposed cohort n Unexposed cohort
Age, years, mean (s.d.) 13 570 28.9 (6.4) 223 274 31.1 (5.5)
Ethnicity, n (%)
White 6759 (49.8) 100 508 (45.0)
Mixed or multiple 489 (3.6) 7335 (3.3)
Asian/Asian British 639 (4.7) 18 908 (8.5)
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 13 570 2851 (21.0) 223 274 51 149 (22.9)
Other ethnic group 829 (6.1) 16 542 (7.4)
Not stated 2003 (14.8) 28 812 (12.9)
Nicotine dependence in pregnancy, n (%)
Noa 12 266 (90.4) 219 072 (98.1)
Yes 13 570 1303 (9.6) 223 274 4202 (1.9)
Index of Multiple Deprivation, n (%)
Most deprived 10% 1117 (8.3) 15 461 (7.0)
Most deprived 10–30% 6986 (51.8) 97 554 (43.9)
Most deprived 30–50% 13 490 3028 (22.4) 222 179 54 986 (24.7)
Least deprived 30–50% 1258 (9.3) 25 505 (11.5)
Least deprived 10–30% 827 (6.1) 20 191 (9.1)
Least deprived 10% 274 (2.0) 8482 (3.8)

An absence of a nicotine dependence diagnosis recorded during the delivery episode was coded as ‘no’.