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. 2016 Aug 9;87(1):147–158. doi: 10.2319/021216-120.1

Table 2.

Summary of Study Characteristics and Results of the Included Studies (TPA Only)a

Retraction Method
Other Anchorage Group Type
Material of TPA Used
TPA Group
Other Group
Zablocki et al. (2008)2 N = 30; 11 M, 13.1 ± 1.7 years; 19 F, 13.2 ± 2 years N = 30; 11 M, 12.9 ± 2 years; 19 F, 14.1 ± 3.3 years 18 × 25 preangulated Roth appliance and continuous arch wire No TPA anchorage Soldered Goshgarian TPA
Feldmann and Bondemark (2008)4
 (a) N = 30; 15 M, 15 F; 14.4 ± 1.65 years N = 30; 15 M, 15 F; 14 ± 1.53 years Space closure with 0.22-inch slot size and continuous light forces, space closure was carried with active tie-backs using 0.019 × 0.025 SS space closure arch wire Subperiosteal Onplant (2.00 × 1.00 mm) SS bar soldered to the maxillary first molar, with 2 mm of space between bar and palate
 (b) N = 30 ; 15 M, 15 F; 14 ± 1.53 years Orthosystem anchorage
 (c) N = 30; 15 M, 15 F; 14 ± 1.72 years Headgear
Wilmes et al. (2009)32 N = 10, 20.9 years N = 10, 20.9 years Not reported One mini-implant + TPA (0.8 mm)
Liu et al. (2009)10 N = 17; 3 M, 14 F; 19.71 ± 3.06 years N = 17; 3 M, 14 F; 21.65 ± 4.49 years Sliding mechanics and en masse retraction of anterior teeth with power chain and SS ligatures Mini-screws Not reported
Liu et al. (2009)33 N = 23; 4 M, 19 F; 17.8 ± 4.3 years N = 19; 3 M, 16 F; 20.2 ± 5.5 years Sliding technique Mini-screws Not reported
Basha et al. (2010)34 N = 7, 16 ± 1.41 years N = 7, 17.36 ± 1.35 years En masse sliding retraction on 0.019 × 0.025 wires Mini-implants Not reported
Sharma et al. (2012)12 N = 15; 10 F, 20 M; 17.4 years N = 15; 10 F, 20 M; 17.4 years Canine retraction only using 9-mm nitinol closed coil spring of length 9 mm Mini-screws 0.9-mm SS wire soldered to the palatal surface of molar bands
Gökçe et al. (2012)35 N = 9; 5 F, 4 M; 15.9 years N = 9; 5 F, 4 M; 16.7 years Canine distalization; closed coil spring with a force of 100 g Mini-screws 0.9-mm-diameter SS wire was soldered to palatal/lingual region of the molar bands
Al-Sibaie et al. (2014)13 N = 28; 16 F, 12 M; 22.34 ± 4.56 years N = 28; 19 F, 9 M; 22.34 ± 4.56 years TPA group: two-step retraction with class II division 1 in mini-implant: sliding en masse retraction of upper anterior teeth Mini-implant Passive TPA soldered to U6 bands, 0.9-mm SS, coffin loop centered to the midpalatal line about 1–2 mm distant from palatal surface

AP, anteroposterior; A-OLp position f the maxillary base; DUM-V, the vertical distance between the distal upper molar point and rotated SN plane; F, female; FH, Franfort horizontal; Is-OLp, position of maxillary incisor; M, male; Ms-OLp, position of maxillary molar; NS, nonsignificant; OLp, occlusal line perpendicular; PTV, pterygoid vertical plane; SS, stainless steel; TPA, transpalatal arch; U1, maxillary central incisor; U6, maxillary first molar; UIT-V, the vertical distance between the upper incisal tip and the rotated SN plane (SN′); Y, line perpendicular to Frankfort horizontal pass through sella.


Mesial molar movement is a calculated as percentage of the molar movement provided in the article.