Protein interaction analysis. (A) Yeast two-hybrid analysis of pairwise interactions between RecA1, RecA2, ImuA, ImuB, and DnaE2. The genes of these proteins were linked to plasmids pGBKT7 and pGADT7, and the recombination plasmids were pairwise transformed into yeast AH109 cells to inspect protein interactions on a plate with 3-AT. (B) His pulldown analysis. Lanes: M, molecular marker; 1, His-ImuA; 2, His-ImuA and RecA1; 3, His-RecA1 and ImuA; 4, His-RecA1; 5, His-DnaE2; 6, His-DnaE2 and ImuA; 7, His-ImuA and DnaE2; 8, His-ImuA; 9, His-RecA1; 10, His-RecA1 and DnaE2; 11, His-DnaE2 and RecA1; 12, His-DnaE2.