Figure 5.
Phototaxis assay of adult D. melanogaster after 10 days feeding with 5% sucrose diet (control, normoglycemic flies) or supplemented with 35% sucrose (hyperglycemic flies), in the absence and in the presence of Lisosan G at 10 µg/mL. (A) Analysis of Drosophila navigation strategies. Results are expressed as the percentage of flies exhibiting a defective behavior within each experimental group. (B) Drosophila were counted at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 120 s for each marked part of the apparatus, i.e., 0–10 cm (the chamber nearest to origin), 11–20 cm (the chamber next furthest to origin), and 21–30 cm (the chamber furthest to origin). (C) Drosophila in the chamber furthest to origin were counted at 60–120 s. Results are expressed as the percentage of total flies in the chambers at each time points. *** p < 0.0001 vs. 5% control; §§§ p < 0.0001 vs. 35% sucrose. Data are representative of at least n = 200 animals obtained from 10 independent experiments run in triplicate.