Enrollment, participation and participation rates in the LIFECOURSE study. Of the 3914 eligible adolescents, 60.8% (N = 2378) provided parental consent and adolescent assent, with 2290 responding to the first survey wave when they were 12 years old, with 2052 responding roughly 12 months later when they were 13-years old, and 2097 responding in year 3 when they were 14 years old. (Participation rate 2017: 96.0% [49.9% girls], 2018: 86.5% [51.1% girls], and 2019: 88.4% [49.6% girls].) In this study, only students that answered a question regarding their gender at baseline were included in the sample, N = 2211. No one withdrew from the study and those lost at follow up are students that were not present in school on the day of the survey.