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. 2021 Aug 20;10(8):1312. doi: 10.3390/antiox10081312

Table A1.

Characterization parameters (retention time (tr), % of total peak area, identification, chemical classes, odor, calculated retention index) of volatile compounds identified in fresh, oven dried and freeze dried S. ramosissima using SPME-GC–MS and the bibliographic references to support the identification.

Peak tr (min.) a Area% Fresh Area % oven Dried Area % Freeze Dried Compounds Chemical Classes Odor Description b Calc. LRI c Lit. LRI References
1 5.012 0.26 34.16 1.30 hexanal Aldehyde herbal, grassy, green 800 801 [35,50,140,141]
2 6.700 0.46 - - 1-methoxy-3-hexene Hydrocarbon not found 847 826 [142]
3 6.962 - - 0.68 2-hexenal Aldehyde floral, herbal 853 850 [140,141]
4 7.103 47.95 1.80 - 3-hexen-1-ol Alcohol green, marine, seaweed 857 852 [50,52,143]
5 7.635 - - 0.04 3-methyl-1-pentanol Alcohol fruity, floral 871 852 [144,145]
6 7.653 47.82 - - 1-hexanol Alcohol woody, sweet, green, fruity 867 872 [53,141,146]
7 7.684 - 7.84 - 2-methylbutanoic acid ethyl ester Ester cheesy, sour 872 876 [55]
8 8.722 - 5.14 0.10 heptanal Aldehyde penetrating oily, harsh 901 902 [35,53,147]
9 9.079 - 1.29 - butyrolactone Lactone cheesy, burnt sugar; buttery 911 915 [53,146,147,148]
10 9.278 - 0.17 - 2-3-dimethylpyrazine Pyrazine nutty, cocoa-like 916 918 [53,149]
11 9.569 - - 0.05 alpha-thujene Terpene herbal, green, weak earthy 924 924 [60,150,151]
12 9.786 - - 0.88 alpha-pinene Terpene oily, green 930 933 [58,151]
13 10.260 1.51 - - ethyl tiglate Ester fruity 943 939 [152]
14 10.274 - - 1.09 camphene Terpene sweet 943 947 [58,151,153]
15 10.616 - 0.25 - γ-valerolactone Lactone sweet, herbaceous 953 950 [154,155]
16 10.792 - 1.39 - benzaldehyde Aldehyde hazelnut, roasty 958 962 [156,157]
17 11.288 - - 1.37 beta-pinene Terpene Woody, green, pine-like 971 979 [150,153,158]
18 11.416 - 0.31 - 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-hexene Hydrocarbon not found 975 977 [159]
19 11.637 - 3.00 0.01 1-octen-3-ol Alcohol mushroom 981 980 [50,56,150]
20 11.848 - 3.92 0.05 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one Ketone banana-like 987 988 [143,160]
21 11.973 0.00 0.00 2.26 beta-myrcene Terpene herbaceous, sweet 990 991 [58,150,151]
22 12.004 0.07 1.14 - 2-pentylfuran Furan floral, fruit 991 990 [154,161]
23 12.164 0.07 0.60 - hexanoic acid Carboxylic acid unpleasant, rancing, metallic 995 993 [162,163]
24 12.321 - 0.99 - decane Hydrocarbon gasoline-like, fishy 1000 1000 [164,165]
25 12.329 - - 8.45 alpha-phellandrene Terpene fresh, green 1000 1005 [59,146,153]
26 12.372 - 0.16 - octanal Aldehyde fruity, green, citrus 1001 1005 [146,159,166]
27 12.663 0.33 - - 3-hexen-1-ol acetate Ester fruity, floral 1010 1007 [140,141]
28 12.793 - - 0.24 alpha-terpinene Terpene resinous 1014 1017 [59,150]
29 12.834 - 0.39 - 2-methylpentyl formate Ester not found 1015 -
30 12.917 0.11 - - hexyl acetate Ester fruit, herb 1017 1019 [145,167]
31 13.083 0.02 3.08 8.80 p-cymene Terpene green, fruity, aromatic 1022 1027 [58,158,168]
32 13.225 0.16 10.18 - limonene Terpene pine/chemical, floral/fresh 1027 1029 [56,156]
33 13.306 - - 38.73 1,8-cineole Terpene eucalyptus, spicy, pepper 1029 1032 [57,156,169]
34 13.353 1.14 - 2-ethyl-1-hexanol Alcohol green, flowery, green cucumber 1031 1029 [141,163,170]
35 13.517 0.08 - - 2-hexenoic acid Carboxylic acid not found 1035 -
36 13.643 - 0.29 - 3-octen-2-one Ketone rose 1039 1040 [161,171,172]
37 13.719 - 0.16 - phenylacetaldehyde Aldehyde lilac, flora 1041 1043 [55,156]
38 13.808 0.06 - - benzyl alcohol Alcohol floral, fruity, rose 1044 1045 [173]
39 14.225 - - 0.29 gamma-terpinene Terpene green, woody 1057 1059 [55,58,172]
40 14.502 - - 0.13 trans-sabinene hydrate Terpene spicy, weak fruity 1065 1060 [60,150]
41 14.731 - 1.19 0.04 3,5-octadien-2-one Ketone green, marine, grass, fatty 1072 1098 [50,56]
42 15.194 - - 0.37 alpha-terpinolene Terpene woody, herbaceous 1086 1086 [55,59,107]
43 15.503 - 0.30 - linalool oxide Terpene woody 1095 1092 [168,174]
44 15.508 0.54 - - methyl benzoate Ester eucalyptus, phenolic, wood 1095 1094 [175,176]
45 15.633 - - 0.48 linalool Terpene pleasant scent, floral 1099 1097 [141,158]
46 15.640 - 0.14 - 2,6,11-trimethyldodecane Hydrocarbon not found 1099 1102 [177]
47 15.724 - - 7.21 beta-thujone Terpene camphoraceous-herbal 1102 1119 [60]
48 15.789 - 7.31 - 3,4-dimethylcyclohexanol Alcohol not found 1104 1103 [178]
49 16.069 - - 2.31 alpha-thujone Terpene warm-herbal, minty 1113 1114 [60,179]
50 16.165 - 0.09 - 4-hexen-1-ol, 2-ethenyl-2,5-dimethyl- Alcohol not found 1116 -
51 16.233 0.11 - - phenylethyl alcohol Alcohol sweet, perfume, floral, bee wax 1118 1117 [50,143]
52 16.566 - - 0.14 1,3,8-p-menthatriene Terpene green, cucumber, floral 1129 1130 [56,144]
53 16.903 - - 4.80 camphor Terpene camphoraceous, fresh 1140 1141 [55,60]
54 17.429 - - 0.08 trans-pinocamphone Terpene cedar, camphoreous, woody 1157 1157 [180,181]
55 17.627 - - 0.18 borneol Terpene camphoraceous, earthy 1163 1165 [60,169]
56 17.674 - - 0.27 (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadien-1-ol Alcohol green, marine, seaweed 1165 1165 [50,182]
57 17.847 - - 0.04 cis-pinocamphone Terpene cedar, camphoreous, woody 1171 1172 [181]
58 17.925 0.21 - - ethyl benzoate Ester flowery 1173 1172 [156,183]
59 17.983 - - 0.21 terpinen-4-ol Terpene green, fruity, citrus-like 1175 1178 [58]
60 18.436 - 0.32 0.43 alpha-terpineol Terpene minty, fresh vegetable, green 1190 1189 [163,184]
61 18.566 - - 0.11 cis-dihydrocarvone Terpene cooling, fresh, minty 1194 1193 [185,186]
62 18.659 - 1.16 - safranal Terpene saffron-like 1197 1197 [187,188]
63 18.749 0.02 1.02 - dodecane Hydrocarbon alkane-like, chemical 1201 1200 [159,189]
64 18.892 - 0.42 - decanal Aldehyde soapy, chemical 1205 1205 [156,190]
65 18.910 - - 0.25 verbenone Ketone sweet, floral, camphor-like 1206 1204 [146,191]
66 19.056 - - 0.34 4,7-dimethyl-benzofuran Furan smoke, moss, spicy 1211 1220 [56,164]
67 19.223 - - 0.07 cuminaldehyde Aldehyde sweet, fresh 1217 1207 [58,192]
68 19.314 0.08 1.97 - beta-cyclocitral Terpene sweet-tobacco, grape 1220 1220 [156,193]
69 19.697 - - 0.93 thymol methyl ether Terpene oregano-like, smoky-like, woody 1233 1233 [150,194]
70 19.782 - - 0.22 octyl-acetate Ester fruity, herbal 1236 1222 [145,195]
71 19.957 - - 0.31 isothymol methyl ether Terpene burnt, smoky-like, woody 1242 1244 [196]
72 20.116 - - 3.29 1,2-Dimethyl-4-isobutylbenzene Hydrocarbon not found 1248 1240 [197]
73 20.150 - 0.39 - 1-(4-ethylphenyl)-ethanone Ketone not found 1249 1231 [198]
74 21.037 - - 0.30 decanol Alcohol floral, spicy 1280 1280 [182,199]
75 21.051 0.01 0.16 - 4,6-dimethyldodecane Hydrocarbon not found 1281 1285 [200]
76 21.157 - - 8.17 isobornyl acetate Ester herb, woody, sweet, minty 1284 1285 [61,169]
77 21.417 - - 0.56 thymol Terpene thyme-like, spicy 1294 1293 [60,194]
78 21.620 - 0.97 0.10 2-undecanol Alcohol tallowy, soapy 1301 1287 [190,201]
79 21.730 - 0.64 - 2,4-diethyl-1-heptanol Alcohol not found 1305 1321 [202]
80 21.964 - 0.59 - 2-isopropyl-5-methyl-1-heptanol Alcohol not found 1314 1300 [203]
81 22.149 - 0.46 - 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane Hydrocarbon not found 1321 1321
82 22.965 - 0.39 - 1-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethyl-3-pentanyl 2-methylpropanoate Ester fruity 1351 - [155]
83 23.416 - - 0.14 (3-Isopropenyl-2-methylcyclopentyl)methyl acetate Ester not found 1368 -
84 23.628 0.06 0.19 0.27 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl 2-methylpropanoate Ester apple, fresh, cucumber 1376 1376 [204,205]
85 24.238 - 0.75 - tetradecane Hydrocarbon alkane-like, chemical 1399 1413 [189,206]
86 24.451 - - 0.78 ethyl decanoate Ester fruity 1407 1407 [55,207]
87 24.730 - - 0.11 trans-caryophyllene Terpene fresh, fruity, citrus 1418 1419 [58,59,184]
88 24.813 - - 0.37 thymohydroquinone dimethyl ether Terpene earthy, moldy 1422 1426 [208,209]
89 25.048 - - 0.24 γ-Elemene Terpene green, citrus, floral 1431 1434 [58,210]
90 25.228 - - 0.05 alloaromadendrene Terpene woody 1438 1442 [211,212]
91 25.349 - - 2.10 geranyl acetone Ketone fresh, green 1443 1449 [149,168]
92 25.603 - 0.24 0.15 (E)-nerylacetone Ketone rose, fresh, green, magnolia 1454 1452 [213,214]
93 25.810 - 0.24 - γ-decalactone Lactone candy, sweet 1462 1467 [55,141,149,168]
94 26.350 - 0.52 - 4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-dienyl)but-3-en-2-one Ketone not found 1483 1483 [215]
95 26.412 - 1.49 - beta-ionone Ketone dry fruit, floral 1486 1486 [55,168]
96 26.644 - 0.22 - pentadecane Hydrocarbon herbaceous 1495 1500 [58,168]
97 26.692 0.06 - - valencene Terpene fruity, flowery 1496 1496 [58,216,217]
98 27.094 - 0.19 - 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol Hydrocarbon not found 1513 1513 [218,219]
99 27.470 - 1.26 - dihydroactinidiolide Lactone coumarin-like, musky 1529 1528 [220,221]
100 30.835 - - 0.11 1-heptadecene Hydrocarbon earthy, moss 1677 1673 [157,222]

a Average of the three retention times obtained for the chromatograms of the fresh, oven dried, and freeze dried S. ramosissima. b Descriptions taken from the literature. c Average of the three calculated linear retention indexes obtained for the chromatograms of the fresh, oven dried, and freeze dried S. ramosissima.