Adjusted prevalence ratios* and 95% confidence intervals† for ≥1 symptoms of adverse mental health or substance use (A), symptoms of anxiety or depression (B), new or increased substance use (C), and suicidal ideation (D) among adults with disabilities, compared with adults without disabilities (referent group)§ — United States, February 16–March 8, 2021¶
Abbreviations: aPR = adjusted prevalence ratio; CI = confidence interval.
* With 95% CIs indicated by error bars. Multivariable Poisson regression models included sex, age group in years, race/ethnicity, income, U.S. Census region, urbanicity, and parental or unpaid caregiving roles (parental roles were not assessed in June 2020; only unpaid caregiving roles were considered for this variable in the June 2020 models). Separate, additional models were run to estimate aPRs for the following employment statuses: essential worker, nonessential worker, and unemployed. Estimates were not made for retired or student employment statuses because of collinearity between these employment statuses and age.
† For panels A, B, and C, the y-axis range for aPR estimates is 0–5, which contains all aPRs and 95% CIs for these panels with maximal view of differences in model estimates. For panel D, given the relative rarity of suicidal ideation among some demographic subgroups that results in wide CIs for aPR estimates, the y-axis range is 0–10.
§ Within each subgroup, adults without disabilities are the reference group used to estimate aPRs for outcomes among adults with disabilities.
¶ Estimated aPRs are during February 16–March 8, 2021, except for the “over time” estimates, which also include estimates based on data collected during June 24–30, 2020, August 28–September 6, 2020, and December 6–27, 2020.