Fig 6. Functional connectivity in response to food versus nonfood odors.
Enhanced functional connectivity between an olfactory/limbic seed region and insula during food vs. nonfood odor trials. This finding was based on the functionally defined ROI in right insula (t(29) = 2.73, p = 0.01; A), and regional specificity was further confirmed by a voxel-wise test using anatomically defined ROIs in left and right insula (left insula: x = −34, y = 8, z = 4, t(29) = 5.10, pFWE-SVC = 0.01; right insula: x = 40, y = 4, z = −6, t(29) = 4.36, pFWE-SVC = 0.04; B). The group-level t-map in (B) is thresholded at punc < 0.005, masked with an anatomical insula ROI (AAL atlas), and overlaid on a canonical structural image. Individual participant data summarized in these plots can be found in S1 Data, and the whole-brain statistical map can be viewed at AAL, automated anatomical labeling; ROI, region of interest.