Free energy profiles and evolution of the binding free
ΔGb, changing the x* frame for the CB8-G6 (a and b) and the CB8-G8
(c and d) systems. For CB8-G6, the x* frame corresponds to the first inflection point encountered moving
from the bound state (b, point B). In the PMF (a), it identifies the
first energy barrier. For CB8-G8, because only one inflection point
(d, point F) is observed between the bound (d, point E) and unbound
(d, point G) states of the system, the x* frame is fixed between the two well-defined inflection points (d,
points E and F). In this case, in the PMF (c), the x* frame corresponds to a not-sampled intermediate state between
the lowest energy minimum (bound state) and the plateau corresponding
to the solvated state of the system.