(a) Conformational
rearrangement from closed isolated FasDD (pdb-id: 1DDF, green) to open
bound FasDD (pdb-id: 3EZQ, red). (b) FasDD opening discloses
a hydrophobic patch that is the binding
site of FADDDD, shown with dashed circles. (c) FasDD rearrangement allows for homodimerization of two open Fas
molecules through interactions between their stem helices in a Fas–Fas
bridge conformation. (d) Kelley penalty plot and (e) distance matrix
from FasDD–FasDD clustering. (f) Most
populated cluster with 83 members. Fas1,DD and Fas2,DD are presented in green and cyan colors, respectively.
(g) Predicted complex (red) superposed on the crystal structure (green)
(pdb-id: 3EZQ) with a Cα RMSD value of 1.1 Å.