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. 2021 Jul 21;9(8):850. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9080850

Table 6.


Study Design Country No. Age Group Disease Daily Dosage (g/d) Duration Rating Scale Outcome
Amminger et al., 2007 [110] Randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial Austria 13 5–17 years ASD EPA 840 mg/d + DHA 700 mg/d
Or placebo
6 weeks - ABC Advantage of n-3 PUFAs compared with placebo for hyperactive behaviours and stereotypy.
Johnson et al., 2010 [114] Prospective, open label trial USA 23 44.7 m (s.d. = 7.63) years ASD (n = 17)PDD, NOS (n = 6) DHA 400 mg/d 12 weeks - CBCL
No clinical improvements were observed.
Bent et al., 2011 [115] Pilot randomised placebo controlled trial USA 27 3–8 years ASD EPA 350 mg/d + DHA 230 mg/d or placebo 12 weeks - SRS
Not statistically significant improvements in the treatment group vs. the placebo.
Yui et al., 2012 [111] Randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial Japan 13 6–28 years ASD DHA 240 mg/d + ARA 240 mg/dor placebo 16 weeks - SRS
Improvement of social deficit in individuals with ASD.
Voigt et al., 2014 [116] Randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial USA 48 3–10 years ASD DHA 200 mg/d or placebo 24 weeks - CGI-I
No improvement in core symptoms of autism.
Ooi et al., 2015 [112] Open label trial Singapore 41 7–18 years ASD DHA 840 mg/d + EPA 192 mg/d 12 weeks - SRS-P
Significant improvements on all subscales of the Social Responsiveness Scale (p < 0.01) and the Social and Attention Problems syndrome scales of the Child Behaviour Checklist (p < 0.05).
Parellada et al., 2017 [117] Randomized, crossover, placebo controlled trial SPAIN 68 5–17 years ASD PUFAs 962 mg/d for children and 1155 mg/d for adolescents or placebo 8 weeks - SRS No treatment effect.
Keim et al., 2018 [113] Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial USA 31 18–38 years ASD EPA 338 mg/d + DHA 225 mg/d + GLA 83 mg/d or placebo 12 weeks - BITSEA
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire-Social Emotional
Significant improvements in ASD symptoms measured by the BITSEA, but no significant effects were observed on other outcome measures.

ABC: Aberrant Behaviour Checklist; ADOS: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder; BASC: Behaviour Assessment Scale for Children; BITSEA: Brief Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; CBCL: Child Behaviour Checklist; CGI: Clinical Global Impressions; PDDST-II: Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test II; SRS (-P): Social Responsiveness Scale (–Parent).