Figure 9.
Regenerative peri-implant therapy for implant area #31. (a,b) Pre-operative clinical and radiographic presentation. BoP, SUP, PD 10mm. (c) Defect configuration after the elevation of the full-thickness flap on implant #31. (d) Implant surface decontamination with rotating titanium brushes, saline and chlorhexidine rinse, and the application of PrefGel® 24% EDTA (2021 Institut Straumann AG®). (e,f) Bone grafting application (GUIDOR® easy-graft® CLASSIC Alloplastic Bone Grafting System © © Copyright Collagen Matrix, Inc.—Allendale, NJ, USA), covered by the GUIDOR® matrix barrier membrane, and stabilized by two titanium tacks. (g) Radiograph showing the grafting material at the time of surgery completion. (h,i) 13 months post-operative clinical and radiographic outcomes. Partial fill of the intra-bony defect with a residual supra-crestal defect.