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. 2021 Aug 25;13(8):e17431. doi: 10.7759/cureus.17431

Table 4. Surgical outcomes and accuracy of screws placement.

*P-value is significant.

iCT-Nav: intraoperative CT-guided navigation; FS: conventional fluoroscopy; VAS: visual analog scale; SF-12 PCS: short 12 physical component scores; Preop: preoperative; M: month

  ICT-Nav group (N=15) FS group (N=42) p-Value
Mean (SD) hospital length of stay (days) 7.45(±2.5) 9.31(±2.05) 0.033*
VAS Preop 7.34 (±1.27) 6.48(±0.82) 0.245
3-M 2.10(±0.78) 3.78(±1.98) 0.043*
2-year 0.65(±0.6) 2.36(±1.78) 0.024*
SF-12 PCS Preop 27.16(±8.43) 26.67(±11.60) 0.349
3-M 34.71(±10.50) 29.45(±14.40) 036*
2-year 44.37(±8.74) 38.78(±12.87) 0.015*
No. of inserted pedicle screws 98 252  
L1 12 6  
L2 20 10  
L3 18 36  
L4 24 91  
L5 24 109  
No. of breached pedicles >2 mm (grades C and D) 0 33 0.0001*