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. 2021 Aug 26;21(2):767–782. doi: 10.1007/s11469-021-00620-0

Table 2.

Means and standard deviations of individual reactions to COVID items for the first 3 and past 3 months of the pandemic

How often did you feel the following ways when thinking about your experience with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic First 3 months of the pandemic (March, April, May 2020) Past 3 months of the pandemic (June, July, August 2020) Standardized difference (Cohen’s d [95%CI])
Feel nervous, anxious, or on edge 1.08 (0.84) 1.42 (1.09) 0.35 [0.26, 0.43]
Feel depressed 1.05 (0.88) 1.36 (1.11) 0.30 [0.22, 0.39]
Feel lonely 1.07 (0.87) 1.34 (1.14) 0.26 [0.18, 0.34]
Sleep less than typical 1.02 (0.85) 1.37 (1.12) 0.34 [0.26, 0.43]
Have physical reactions, such as sweating, trouble breathing, nausea, or a pounding heart 1.00 (0.85) 1.27 (1.12) 0.26 [0.19, 0.35]
Was stressed by the restrictions on leaving home 1.14 (0.91) 1.47 (1.17) 0.31 [0.23, 0.39]
Feel that your family relationships were suffering 1.06 (0.87) 1.31 (1.11) 0.25 [0.17, 0.33]
Feel that your social relationships were suffering 1.10 (0.88) 1.34 (1.14) 0.23 [0.15, 0.32]
Was stressed about finances 1.15 (0.95) 1.49 (1.20) 0.18 [0.10, 0.26]
Mean of 9 items 1.07 (0.45) 1.37 (0.63) 0.55 [0.47, 0.62]

Note: Higher mean reflects “poorer” COVID-related reactions. Means reflect response options of 1 (a little bit) and 2 (a moderate amount) on a scale from 0 to 4