Fig. 1. Acute THC reduces mossy fiber Leu-Enkephalin (LEnk) levels in CA2/3a in proestrus/estrus (PE/E) female rats.
A. Representative light micrograph showing the regions of the CA3 and dentate gyrus (DG) from which optical density of LEnk-ir were measured. CH, central hilus; DB, doral blade of the hilus; SLu, Stratum lucidum; SO, stratum oriens. B, C. Representative micrographs show that THC PE/E females compared to VEH PE/E females have decreased LEnk labeling in the CA3a. D. In CA2/3a, VEH PE/E females have higher LEnk labeling compared to diestrus VEH-females. However, THC PE/E females have similar densities of LEnk in CA2/3a compared to VEH diestrus (DE) females. ^ = p < 0.08. Scale bar = 100 microns.