Table 1.
Latin name | Country | Local name | Part used | Traditional use | References |
Dendrobium affine Steudel | Australia | Marndaja, tjalamarinj | Pseudobulbs | The sap from the pseudobulbs is directly squeezed onto sores to relieve itchy skin | [85] |
Australia | – | Stems, bulbs | Fluid from the stem or bulb is used on skin to treat itching, cuts, sores and minor burns | [86] | |
Dendrobium alpestre Royle | India | Jiwanti | Bulbs | For treating pimples, boils and other skin eruptions | [87] |
Dendrobium amoenum Wall. ex Lindl | India | – | Leaves | Leaf paste is used to treat skin diseases | [88] |
India | Mitha alu | Leaves | Leaves of D. amoenum pounded with Hedychium wardii C.E.C. Fisch. rhizomes are made into a paste, which is used to treat wounds and various skin diseases | [89] | |
Nepal | Thuur | Pseudobulbs | A fresh paste is applied topically on burnt skin | [90] | |
Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C.E.C. Fisch | Bangladesh | – | Leaves | A paste or juice of the leaves is used to treat wounds | [91] |
China | Dou chun shi hu | Whole plants, stems | Whole plants are used to treat burns and scalds. Fresh stems are externally used to tread burns and scalds | [92, 93] | |
India | – | Leaves | Fresh leaf juice is used to treat skin infections | [94] | |
Dendrobium denneanum Kerr [syn. Dendrobium aurantiacum var. denneanum (Kerr) Z.H.Tsi] | China | Die qiao shi hu | Stems, leaves | Stems are used to treat impetigo. Dry leaves are externally used to treat impetigo | [92, 95] |
Dendrobium canaliculatum R. Br | Australia | Marndaja | Pseudobulbs | Pseudobulbs are squeezed, and the sap is applied directly to sores to help heal them | [85] |
Dendrobium chrysanthum Wall. ex Lindl | India | Nauawimu | Stems | Stem juice is applied on wounds and sores | [96] |
Dendrobium crumenatum Sw | Malaysia | Daun sepuleh tulang | Leaves | A poultice made from leaves is used to treat boils and pimples | [7] |
Dendrobium densiflorum Lindl | Nepal | Sungava | Pseudobulbs | Fresh pulp is applied to boils and pimples | [90] |
Dendrobium discolor Lindl | Australia | – | Stems | A poultice is prepared from young canes to draw a boil. A liniment made from mature canes is used to treat ringworm | [97] |
Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook | India | – | Leaves | A paste of fresh leaves is used to treat boils and pimples | [94] |
Indiaa | Mokya tu | Leaves | Approximately 10 g of leaves are ground, made into a paste and applied twice a day for 10 days to heal cuts and wounds | [98] | |
Dendrobium hancockii Rolfe | China | Xi ye shi hu | Stems | To treat ulcers | [99] |
Dendrobium herbaceum Lindl | India | Agai | Roots | Fresh roots are burnt, and 10 g of the resultant ash is mixed with 10 ml mustard oil and applied on affected skin 2 to 3 times daily for several days until symptoms disappear | [100] |
Dendrobium macraei Lindl. [syn. Flickingeria macraei (Lindl.) Seidenf.] | India | Sakar | Roots | One spoonful of a root paste along with 1 g of a seed powder of black pepper is administered orally on an empty stomach twice a day for 21 days to cure diseases, including skin allergies, and is applied on the affected part of skin to cure eczema | [101] |
Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl | India | Yanaimiratti | Aerial parts | Aerial parts are used for skin allergies | [102] |
Dendrobium monticola P.F. Hunt & Summerh | Nepal | Jiwanti | Bulbs | For treating pimples, boils, and other skin eruptions | [103] |
Dendrobium nobile Lindl | Bangladesh | – | Leaves, seeds | A leaf extract is made and is very effective for treating freshly cut wounds. A seed powder is used to cure cuts and wounds | [104] |
India | – | Pseudobulbs | A pseudobulb extract is used to soothe burns | [105] | |
India | – | Roots, seeds | Powdery seeds and root powder are used to heal wounds | [106] | |
India | – | Seeds | Powdery seeds are applied to fresh wounds for quick healing | [107] | |
India | – | Whole plants | Whole plant parts are used in the treatment of cuts and wounds | [108] | |
Dendrobium ovatum (L.) Kraenzl | India | Unnesh chedi | Pseudostems | The plant is an emollient | [109] |
Dendrobium planibulbe Lindl | Malaysia | Miga | – | A poultice is made by pounding the plant to treat dermatological lesions affecting the back of the neck | [7] |
Dendrobium polyanthum Wall. ex Lindl. [syn. Dendrobium primulinum Lindl.] | China | Bao chun shi hu | Pseudobulbs | To treat burns and scalds, skin itching caused by a red rash, and eczema. Fresh pseudobulbs are ground with water to yield a juice, or fresh pseudobulbs are pounded and externally used to treat scalds. A decoction of dry pseudobulbs (15 g) is taken orally to treat skin itching caused by red rash | [110] |
Dendrobium purpureum Roxb | Indonesia | – | Leaves, stems | To treat infected nails | [111] |
Dendrobium sp. | Liberia | Gulubalama boblogie | Leaves | Crushed leaf extracts are applied on boils for fast relief | [112] |
aIn Ref. [98], the synonym Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. var. occulatum Hook.f. of the plant was used