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. 2021 Apr 20;11(5):465–487. doi: 10.1007/s13659-021-00305-0

Table 1.

Traditional uses of Dendrobium plants for treating dermatological disorders in different countries

Latin name Country Local name Part used Traditional use References
Dendrobium affine Steudel Australia Marndaja, tjalamarinj Pseudobulbs The sap from the pseudobulbs is directly squeezed onto sores to relieve itchy skin [85]
Australia Stems, bulbs Fluid from the stem or bulb is used on skin to treat itching, cuts, sores and minor burns [86]
Dendrobium alpestre Royle India Jiwanti Bulbs For treating pimples, boils and other skin eruptions [87]
Dendrobium amoenum Wall. ex Lindl India Leaves Leaf paste is used to treat skin diseases [88]
India Mitha alu Leaves Leaves of D. amoenum pounded with Hedychium wardii C.E.C. Fisch. rhizomes are made into a paste, which is used to treat wounds and various skin diseases [89]
Nepal Thuur Pseudobulbs A fresh paste is applied topically on burnt skin [90]
Dendrobium aphyllum (Roxb.) C.E.C. Fisch Bangladesh Leaves A paste or juice of the leaves is used to treat wounds [91]
China Dou chun shi hu Whole plants, stems Whole plants are used to treat burns and scalds. Fresh stems are externally used to tread burns and scalds [92, 93]
India Leaves Fresh leaf juice is used to treat skin infections [94]
Dendrobium denneanum Kerr [syn. Dendrobium aurantiacum var. denneanum (Kerr) Z.H.Tsi] China Die qiao shi hu Stems, leaves Stems are used to treat impetigo. Dry leaves are externally used to treat impetigo [92, 95]
Dendrobium canaliculatum R. Br Australia Marndaja Pseudobulbs Pseudobulbs are squeezed, and the sap is applied directly to sores to help heal them [85]
Dendrobium chrysanthum Wall. ex Lindl India Nauawimu Stems Stem juice is applied on wounds and sores [96]
Dendrobium crumenatum Sw Malaysia Daun sepuleh tulang Leaves A poultice made from leaves is used to treat boils and pimples [7]
Dendrobium densiflorum Lindl Nepal Sungava Pseudobulbs Fresh pulp is applied to boils and pimples [90]
Dendrobium discolor Lindl Australia Stems A poultice is prepared from young canes to draw a boil. A liniment made from mature canes is used to treat ringworm [97]
Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook India Leaves A paste of fresh leaves is used to treat boils and pimples [94]
Indiaa Mokya tu Leaves Approximately 10 g of leaves are ground, made into a paste and applied twice a day for 10 days to heal cuts and wounds [98]
Dendrobium hancockii Rolfe China Xi ye shi hu Stems To treat ulcers [99]
Dendrobium herbaceum Lindl India Agai Roots Fresh roots are burnt, and 10 g of the resultant ash is mixed with 10 ml mustard oil and applied on affected skin 2 to 3 times daily for several days until symptoms disappear [100]
Dendrobium macraei Lindl. [syn. Flickingeria macraei (Lindl.) Seidenf.] India Sakar Roots One spoonful of a root paste along with 1 g of a seed powder of black pepper is administered orally on an empty stomach twice a day for 21 days to cure diseases, including skin allergies, and is applied on the affected part of skin to cure eczema [101]
Dendrobium macrostachyum Lindl India Yanaimiratti Aerial parts Aerial parts are used for skin allergies [102]
Dendrobium monticola P.F. Hunt & Summerh Nepal Jiwanti Bulbs For treating pimples, boils, and other skin eruptions [103]
Dendrobium nobile Lindl Bangladesh Leaves, seeds A leaf extract is made and is very effective for treating freshly cut wounds. A seed powder is used to cure cuts and wounds [104]
India Pseudobulbs A pseudobulb extract is used to soothe burns [105]
India Roots, seeds Powdery seeds and root powder are used to heal wounds [106]
India Seeds Powdery seeds are applied to fresh wounds for quick healing [107]
India Whole plants Whole plant parts are used in the treatment of cuts and wounds [108]
Dendrobium ovatum (L.) Kraenzl India Unnesh chedi Pseudostems The plant is an emollient [109]
Dendrobium planibulbe Lindl Malaysia Miga A poultice is made by pounding the plant to treat dermatological lesions affecting the back of the neck [7]
Dendrobium polyanthum Wall. ex Lindl. [syn. Dendrobium primulinum Lindl.] China Bao chun shi hu Pseudobulbs To treat burns and scalds, skin itching caused by a red rash, and eczema. Fresh pseudobulbs are ground with water to yield a juice, or fresh pseudobulbs are pounded and externally used to treat scalds. A decoction of dry pseudobulbs (15 g) is taken orally to treat skin itching caused by red rash [110]
Dendrobium purpureum Roxb Indonesia Leaves, stems To treat infected nails [111]
Dendrobium sp. Liberia Gulubalama boblogie Leaves Crushed leaf extracts are applied on boils for fast relief [112]

aIn Ref. [98], the synonym Dendrobium fimbriatum Hook. var. occulatum Hook.f. of the plant was used