(A) Representative tracings of pyramidal neurons in the vmPFC of female mice after miR-LacZ (left) or miR-Slit1 infection (right). (B, C) Total apical dendritic arbor length (B) and branching (C) were decreased after miR-Slit1 infection when compared to miR-LacZ controls. (D, E)
Slit1 KD decreased the total basal dendritic arbor length (D) and number of branches (E) compared to controls (n=82-83 dendrites/group). (F, G) Scholl analysis revealed no change in length of apical dendrites in vmPFC pyramidal neurons infected with miR-Slit1 compared to miR-LacZ
(F), but a decrease in the length (G) of basal dendrites mainly 60-100 μm from the soma. (H) Representative tracings of pyramidal neurons in the vmPFC of male mice after miR-LacZ (left) or miR-Slit1 infection (right). (I) Total apical dendritic arbor was increased after miR-Slit1 infection when compared to miR-LacZ controls. (J-L) No change was observed in apical branching (J), the total basal dendritic arbor length (K) or number of branches (L) compared to controls (n=85-91 dendrites/group). (M, N) Scholl analysis revealed an increase in the length of apical (M) and basal (N) dendrites mainly 80-140 μm from the soma. Per group: n=5 animals, 19-22 neurons. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Data are shown as means ± s.e.m.