Figure 2:
Untargeted lipidomic characterization of indicated genotypes. A. Levels of major triglyceride species in Tm6 Flox, Tm6 LKO, Mttp Flox and Mttp LKO liver tissue. All TG species shown are significantly more abundant in mice with liver specific deletion of Tm6sf2 or Mttp versus respective control livers. N= 5–6/genotype, chow diet fed females, 12–15 weeks of age. Species shown represent >85% percent of total TG species peak area. B. Diacylglyceride species in Tm6 Flox, Tm6 LKO, Mttp Flox and Mttp LKO liver tissue. All species shown are significantly more abundant in Tm6 LKO and Mttp LKO liver tissue versus respective control livers. C. Free fatty acid species in above genotypes. Significant differences are indicated. D. Phosphatidyl choline (left panel) and lyso-phosphatidylcholine (Lyso PC) species E. Abundance of triglyceride species in serum of Tm6 Flox, Tm6 LKO, Mttp Flox and Mttp LKO mice following a 4h fast (chow diet, females). . F. Expression of genes related to fatty acid synthesis, β-oxidation and modification in Tm6 LKO and Mttp LKO liver (n=4 females/genotype, chow diet). For all panels, data are presented as mean ± SEM; asterisks indicate p<0.05 and ns indicates not significant.