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. 2021 Aug 26;11:17278. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96792-9

Table 3.

Linear mixed effects regression model testing the effect of encoding condition and word type on accuracy in the non-EMG recognition task.

Fixed effects Random effects
Estimate SE z CI Variance SD
Intercept 2.05 .22 9.16 1.61, 2.48 Participant Intercept 1.06 1.03
Enrichment [VI]  − .53 .30  − 1.79  − 1.11, .05 Stimulus Intercept .29 .54
Enrichment [VGO]  − .50 .31  − 1.61  − 1.11, .11
Enrichment [VGOP]  − .61 .29  − 1.91  − 1.21, .02
Word type 1.40 .19 7.28*** 1.02, 1.78
Enrichment [VI]:Word type .43 .54 .79  − .63, 1.48
Enrichment [VGO]:Word type .50 .55 .90  − .58, 1.58
Enrichment [VGOP]:Word type .89 .54 1.63  − .18, 1.95

V, visual; VI, image; VGO, gesture observation; VGOP, gesture observation and self-performance. n = 28 participants. ***p < .001.