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. 2021 Aug 19;12(8):1266. doi: 10.3390/genes12081266

Table 4.

hZP1–4 Mutations in Infertile Human Patients.

hZP1 Mutations Location of Mutation Status of Zona Pellucida References
G57Dfs*9 exon-1, SC in NI befroe TD none [136]
R61C exon-1, NI befroe TD none (?) [137]
W83R exon-2, NI befroe TD abnormal/none [138]
E67>X exon-2, SC in NI befroe TD none [139]
RI09H exon-3, NI befroe TD none [140]
H701fs*52 exon-3, SC between NI and TD none [141]
Q292>X exon-5, SC in ZP none [142]
I386>X exon-7, SC between ZP-N and ZP-C(linker) none [142]
I390fs404X exon-7, SC between ZP-N and ZP-C(linker) none [143,144]
I390Tfs*16 exon-7, SC between ZP-N and ZP-C(linker) none [136,137]
R410W exon-7, between ZP-N and ZP-C(linker) none [141]
W471>X exon-8, SC in ZP-C abnormal/none [138]
C478>X exon-9, SC in ZP-C none [141]
V570M exon-11, between CFCS and EHP none [141]
D592Gfs*29 exon-12, SC between CFCS and TMD none [141]
hZP2 Mutations
C372S exon-11, ZP-N thin/none [141]
Q412Rfs*17 exon-11, ZP-N thin [145]
R533S exon-15, ZP-C normal/none [138]
C566R exon-16, ZP-C abnormal/none [138]
R698>X exon-19, SC between CFCS and TMD very thin/none [146]
hZP3 Mutations
A134T exon-2, ZP-N none [140,147]
S173C exon-3, ZP-C none [148]
R255G exon-5, ZP-C none [141]
R349L>X exon-8, SC at CFCS very thin/none [146]
hZP4 Mutations
D100N exon-3, NI thin, irregular [149]
V444L exon-10, ZP-C thin, irregular [149]

Abbreviations: CFCS, concensus furin cleavage-site; EHP, external hydrophobic patch; h, human.