Dependent Variable |
Technical efficiency |
Efficiency scores derived from the DEA method using outputs and inputs. |
1. Output Variables |
(1) Outpatient visits |
Total number of outpatient visits |
(2) Inpatient days |
Total number of inpatient days |
(3) Surgeries |
Total number of surgeries |
(4) Residents |
Total number of residents (FTEs) |
2. Input Variables |
(1) Operating expenses |
Total operating expenses excluding payroll and benefit |
(2) Hospital beds |
Total number of beds in a hospital |
(3) Doctor of Medicine |
Total FTEs of MDs and DOs |
(4) Registered Nurse |
Total FTEs of RNs |
(5) Other FTEs |
Total number of other FTEs excluding trainees |
Independent Variables |
1. Transparent environment |
(1) APCD Adoption (1/0) |
If a state adopted APCD = 1, otherwise = 0 |
(2) Data Availability |
A ratio for the number of hospitals that successfully reported their performance and the total number of hospitals in a county (=the number of successfully reported hospitals/total number of hospitals in a county) |
2. Competition (HHI) |
The weighted (by hospital patient shares) hospital referral region-based HHIs for each hospital (=(each hospital’s number of adjusted admissions/total number of adjusted admissions in an HRR)2) |
Control Variables |
1. Case Mix Index (CMI) |
Case-Mix-Index from CMS |
2. Size |
The number of hospital beds |
3. Urban |
Location (urban = 1, others = 0) |
4. Ownership |
Hospital ownership type (Nonprofit = 1, For-profit = 0) |
5. Teaching affiliation |
Teaching hospital (Teaching = 1, Non-teaching = 0) |
6. Medicare discharge (%) |
The ratio of Medicare discharges out of total discharge |
7. Medicaid discharge (%) |
The ratio of Medicaid discharges out of total discharge |
8. Nonprofit market share (%) |
The market share of nonprofit hospitals in a county based on the total number of beds |
9. Uninsured (%) |
The uninsured rate of population under age 65 in a county |
10. Lobbying efforts ($) |
The total amount of money that AHA subsidiaries spent on lobbying efforts in a state |