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. 2021 Aug 6;10(8):1824. doi: 10.3390/foods10081824

Table 2.

Effects of fat replacement by olive oil on the pH, aw and color parameters of goat burgers as compared with commercial beef burgers.

Parameter Burgers SEM Significance
pH 5.97 5.96 5.44 0.38 ns
aw 0.96 a 0.93 c 0.95 b 0.00 ***
L* 46.42 b 45.53 b 52.15 a 0.74 ***
a* 11.68 b 8.54 c 30.03 a 0.40 ***
b* 15.11 b 13.23 c 24.82 a 0.42 ***
h° 52.25 b 57.20 c 39.58 a 0.35 ***
C* 3.66 b 3.29 c 5.23 a 0.05 ***

SEM: Standard Error of the Mean; Significance: *** p < 0.001; ns: not significant; a–c, mean values in the same row (corresponding to the same parameter) not followed by a common letter differ significantly (p < 0.05; Tukey test).