Figure 6.
The tumor suppressors ING1 and ING2 mediate the androgen-regulated transrepression of hTERT. (A) ChIP experiments using antibodies against AR, ING1, and ING2 for LNCaP cells treated with either DMSO as the solvent control or SAL. Immunoprecipitates were analyzed by nested PCR for the proximal hTERT region. (B,C) Western blot of ING1 (B) or ING2 (C) of LNCaP cell extracts using shRNA knockdown for ING1 (sh-ING1), ING2 (sh-ING2), or the control vector (sh-luc). α-Tubulin detection served as the loading control. (D,E) qRT-PCR of endogenous hTERT expression with and without ING1 knockdown (D) or ING2 (E) knockdown in the presence of androgen or DMSO as the solvent control. * p ≤ 0.05.